Source code for miniutils.py2_wrap

import functools
import inspect
import pickle
import struct
import subprocess as sp
import os
import textwrap
import re

# TODO: Use fd's besides stdin and stdout, so that you don't mess with code that reads or writes to those streams
[docs]class MakePython2(): pickle_protocol = 2 template = os.path.join(*(list(os.path.split(__file__))[:-1] + [''])) def __init__(self, function=None, *, imports=None, global_values=None, copy_function_body=True, python2_path='python2'): """Make a function execute within a Python 2 instance :param function: The function to wrap. If not specified, this class instance behaves like a decorator :param imports: Any import statements the function requires. Should be a list, where each element is either a string (e.g., ``'sys'`` for ``import sys``) or a tuple (e.g., ``('os.path', 'path')`` for ``import os.path as pas``) :param global_values: A dictionary of global variables the function relies on. Key must be strings, and values must be picklable :param copy_function_body: Whether or not to copy the function's source code into the Python 2 instance :param python2_path: The path to the Python 2 executable to use """ self.imports = imports or [] self.globals = global_values or {} self.copy_function_body = copy_function_body self.python2_path = python2_path self.proc = None valid_name = re.compile(r'^[\w.]+$', re.UNICODE) if isinstance(self.imports, dict): self.imports = list(self.imports.items()) for i, imp in enumerate(self.imports): if isinstance(imp, str): self.imports[i] = (imp,) elif isinstance(imp, (tuple, list)): if len(imp) not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Imports must be given as 'name', ('name',), or ('pkg', 'name')") if not all(isinstance(n, str) and valid_name.match(n) for n in imp): raise ValueError("Invalid import name: 'import {}{}'" .format(imp[0], 'as {}'.format(imp[1]) if len(imp) == 2 else '')) if not all(isinstance(k, str) for k in self.globals.keys()): raise ValueError("Global variables must be given as {'name': value}") if function: self(function) def _write_pkl(self, obj): data = pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=MakePython2.pickle_protocol) self.proc.stdin.write(struct.pack('@I', len(data))) self.proc.stdin.write(data) self.proc.stdin.flush() def _read_pkl(self): outp_length = int(struct.unpack('@I',[0]) return pickle.loads( def _wrapped_function(self, *args, **kwargs): self._write_pkl((args, kwargs)) success, result = self._read_pkl() if success: return result else: raise RuntimeError(result) @property def function(self): return self._wrapped_function def __call__(self, function): if callable(function): function_code = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(function)) if self.copy_function_body else '' function_code = '\n'.join(line for line in function_code.split('\n') if not line.startswith('@MakePython2')) function_name = function.__name__ elif isinstance(function, str): function_code = '' function_name = function self.proc = sp.Popen([self.python2_path, MakePython2.template], executable=self.python2_path, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE) self._write_pkl((self.imports, self.globals, function_name, function_code)) return self._wrapped_function def __del__(self): if self.proc: self._write_pkl(None) self.proc.stdin.close() self.proc.stdout.close() self.proc.terminate() self.proc.wait()