
Code Contracts

Code contracting seems like a great way to define and document your code’s expected behavior, easily integrate bounds checking, and just generally write code that tries to avoid bugs. The pycontracts package provides this capability within python, but as soon as I started using it I realized that it was meant primarily to be robust, not concise. For example, consider the following code:

class ObjA:

class ObjB:

def sample_func(a):
    """A function that requires an A object

    :param a: A thing
    :type a: ObjA
    :return: What you gave it
    :rtype: ObjB
    return ObjB()

This seems intuitive what should happen–you’re not using any complex attributes of the types, merely indicating that is should be of that type–but pycontracts will croak on this because you haven’t explicitly told it about your two new types.

miniutils.magic_contract is a little wrapper around the contract decorator that looks through the function’s local namespace, finds types that aren’t already registered with pycontracts, and adds them as a simple isinstance check. Using it, we can write almost the exact same code:

class ObjA:

class ObjB:

@magic_contract  # Uses the magic contract
def sample_func(a):
    """A function that requires an A object

    :param a: A thing
    :type a: ObjA
    :return: What you gave it
    :rtype: ObjB
    return ObjB()

And now the function works like you’d expect. If you want to do something more complex when adding an object as a contractable type, just use contracts.new_contract like you normally would, and magic_contract won’t clobber your definition. Also, since this decorator is just a wrapper around contracts.contract, you can continue using pycontracts as always, and the magic contract won’t affect any of the rest of your code.

miniutils.magic_contract.magic_contract(*args, **kwargs)

Simplifying Decorators

When writing a decorator that could be used like @deco or @deco(), there’s a little code I’ve found necessary in order to make both cases function identically. I’ve isolated this code into another decorator (meta-decorator?) to keep my other decorators simple (since, let’s be honest, decorators are usually convoluted enough as is).

Consider the following decorator definition:

def deco(return_name=False):
    def inner_deco(func):
        def inner(*a, **kw):
            if return_name:
                return func.__name__, func(*a, **kw)
                return func(*a, **kw)
        return inner
    return inner_deco

@deco()  # Works correctly
def g(i):
    return i

@deco(True)  # Works correctly
def h(i):
    return i

@deco(return_name=True)  # Works correctly
def k(i):
    return i

@deco  # Fails, since f gets assigned to return_names instead of func
def f(i):
    return i

This makes sense, but is somewhat annoying when parameters aren’t required, such as is the case in several built-in Python decorators. To make this last case work like the first, we can simply decorate our decorator:

def deco(return_name=False):
    def inner_deco(func):
        def inner(*a, **kw):
            if return_name:
                return func.__name__, func(*a, **kw)
                return func(*a, **kw)
        return inner
    return inner_deco

@deco()  # Works correctly
def g(i):
    return i

@deco(True)  # This still works
def h(i):
    return i

@deco(return_name=True)  # As does this
def k(i):
    return i

@deco  # Now this works too!
def f(i):
    return i

Decorate your decorator with this to allow it to always receive *args and **kwargs, making @deco equivalent to @deco()