Source code for miniutils.timing

import traceback
from functools import partial
from time import time

from miniutils.logs_base import log

[docs]def timed_call(func, *args, log_level='DEBUG', **kwargs): """Logs a function's run time :param func: The function to run :param args: The args to pass to the function :param kwargs: The keyword args to pass to the function :param log_level: The log level at which to print the run time :return: The function's return value """ start = time() r = func(*args, **kwargs) t = time() - start log(log_level, "Call to '{}' took {:0.6f}s".format(func.__name__, t)) return r
[docs]def make_timed(func): """A decorator to make a function print its execution time whenever it gets called""" return partial(timed_call, func)
[docs]def tic(log_level='DEBUG', fmt="{file}:{line} - {message} - {diff:0.6f}s (total={total:0.1f}s)", verbose=True): """A minimalistic ``printf``-type timing utility. Call this function to start timing individual sections of code :param log_level: The level at which to log block run times :param fmt: The format string to use when logging times. Available arguments include: - file, line, func, code_text: The stack frame information which called this timer - diff: The time since the last timer printout was called - total: The time since this timing block was started - message: The message passed to this timing printout :param verbose: If False, suppress printing messages :return: A function that reports run times when called """ first_time = last_time = time() def toc(message=None): """A function that reports run times :param message: The message to print with this particular runtime :return: The time difference (in seconds) since the last tic or toc """ nonlocal last_time now = time() diff = now - last_time total = now - first_time if verbose: file, line, func, code_text = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0] log(log_level, fmt.format(**locals())) last_time = time() return diff return toc