Source code for miniutils.magic_contract

from contracts import *
from contracts.library import Extension as _Ext
from miniutils.opt_decorator import optional_argument_decorator

# TODO: Figure out efficient mechanism to only enable contracts during testing or debug modes

def safe_new_contract(name, *args, **kwargs):
    if name not in _Ext.registrar:
        new_contract(name, *args, **kwargs)

[docs]@optional_argument_decorator def magic_contract(*args, **kwargs): """Drop-in replacement for ``pycontracts.contract`` decorator, except that it supports locally-visible types :param args: Arguments to pass to the ``contract`` decorator :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``contract`` decorator :return: The contracted function """ def inner_decorator(f): for name, val in f.__globals__.items(): if not name.startswith('_') and isinstance(val, type): safe_new_contract(name, val) return contract(*args, **kwargs)(f) return inner_decorator