Source code for miniutils.caching.indexable

import functools
from functools import partial

class _LazyDictionary:
    def __init__(self, getter_closure, on_modified, settable=False, values=None):
        self._known = dict(values or {})
        self._cache = {}
        self._key_errors = {}
        self._closure = getter_closure
        self._on_modified = on_modified
        self.settable = settable

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item in self._known:
            return self._known[item]

        if item in self._key_errors:
            raise KeyError(*self._key_errors[item])

        if item not in self._cache:
                self._cache[item] = self._closure(item)
            except KeyError as e:
                self._key_errors[item] = e.args
                raise e

        return self._cache[item]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if not self.settable:
            raise AttributeError("{} is not settable".format(self))
        self._known[key] = value
        if key in self._cache and self._cache[key] is not value:

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        if key in self._known:
            del self._known[key]
        if key in self._cache:  # Not elif, we want to purge all knowledge about this key
            del self._cache[key]
        if key in self._key_errors:
            del self._key_errors[key]

    def __doc__(self):
        return self._closure.__doc__

    def get(self, key, default):
            return self[key]
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def update(self, new_values):
        if not self.settable:
            raise AttributeError("{} is not settable".format(self))

[docs]class LazyDictionary: caches = [] def __init__(self, *affects, allow_collection_mutation=False): """Marks this indexable property to be a cached dictionary. Delete this property to remove the cached value and force it to be rerun. :param affects: Strings that list the names of the other properties in this class that are directly invalidated when this property's value is altered :param allow_collection_mutation: Whether or not the returned collection should allow its values to be altered """ self.affected_properties = affects self.allow_mutation = allow_collection_mutation def __call__(self, f, name=None): self.f = f = name = name or f.__name__ cache_name = '_' + name def reset_dependents(inner_self): for affected in self.affected_properties: delattr(inner_self, affected) @functools.wraps(f) def inner_getter(inner_self): if not hasattr(inner_self, cache_name): new_indexable = _LazyDictionary(functools.wraps(f)(partial(f, inner_self)), partial(reset_dependents, inner_self), self.allow_mutation) setattr(inner_self, cache_name, new_indexable) return getattr(inner_self, cache_name) def inner_deleter(inner_self): if hasattr(inner_self, cache_name): delattr(inner_self, cache_name) # If we make this recursion conditional on the cache existing, we prevent dependency cycles from # breaking the code reset_dependents(inner_self) return property(fget=inner_getter, fdel=inner_deleter, doc=self.f.__doc__)